Teaching Volleyball Tips
Steps to Solve Team Problems

Teaching volleyball to beginners isn't easy. Not only is teaching skills difficult, but also player conflicts are common in competitive sports. 

Conflicts Between Coaches and Players

The following are tips for coaches dealing with player conflicts...

  • Talk to players 1 on 1. Pick a place to talk that is non-threatening. Don't sit behind a desk. Pick a place such as on the bleachers or an empty locker room. You don't want to be interrupted or pressed for time.

  • Talk to them when your emotions are under control.

  • Take care of the conflict quickly. The longer the interaction, the more intense it becomes. It will also create stress dwelling on it. Take care of it, let it go, and move forward.

  • Communicate clearly. Explain the situation. Each person may not know the whole story. It may be just that the situation was interpreted wrong in the first place. Intentions may have been misunderstood.

  • Practice what you are going to say. It's a good idea to write it down and practice while talking to someone else. Practice in such a way as to not make them feel defensive.

  • Say how you feel. Keep it 1 on 1. Don't generalize how people are. Keep it personal and 1 on 1 focused.

  • Give them an "out". It's okay to give them a loop whole even if you have them cold. Just by having this talk, you have made them accountable for their actions and this shows you are willing to confront them.

  • Keep the conflict "in house". If the conflict happens on the court, it stays there. The more people that get involved the worse the situation gets.

  • Don't bring up past issues. Let the old issues go. Deal with the current situation.

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How to Teach Volleyball

Often a great way to prevent problems is by having 2 or 3 private meetings with each player during the season. 

Also, reviewing roles on the team and expectations of each player will go long way. 

One of the biggest problems of conflicts is a lack of knowledge. 

If you don't let players know where they stand in your mind, then they have to guess. 

Most often players will guess negatively.

Teaching Volleyball

Teaching Volleyball

Teaching Volleyball - Why Conflict isn't all Bad

The following is a summary of how to deal with coach player conflicts...

  • Take care of the conflict as soon as possible.

  • Take responsibility for how you feel.

  • Don't blame the other person. The goal is to come up with a solution.

  • Talk to the person you have a conflict with and keep it private.

Conflict isn't all bad. Problems help create communication and interaction. If handled well, conflict improves relationships and keeps everything open. Make conflict resolution work for you and your team.

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