Volleyball Plays to Run
Smart Offensive Strategies

Volleyball plays to run will vary depending on the team and opponent. 

Plays for Running a 6-2 Offense

A 6-2 offense is the system that's best for when a team has two primary setters. Each setter is positioned opposite one another on the court. The setter on the back row runs the offense. The coach, setters, and team need to devise an offensive system that's best for attacking the opponent. The volleyball plays to run will depend on the unique skills of the team. 

Quick Middle Attack: The setter runs a quick set to the middle attacker. This is done by having the setter transition to a position near the net. The ball is passed near the net where the setter can set the middle attacker. 

Slide Attack: The setter sets the ball behind them to a middle hitter who approaches from the right side of the court for a slide attack. The slide attack is performed by a middle hitter.  The advantage of this play is that it often creates confusion for the opposing blockers. The middle attacker is running parallel to the net. This looks awkward and can be difficult for the opponent to figure out what is happening. 

Back Row Attack: It's a good idea to have the option available to set a back row attacker. The setter will set a ball that is near the 3 meter line for a back row attacker to take and approach to attack. This set can be difficult for the opponent to time to block.

Go (or "Go-Ball"): The setter sets the ball to the outside hitter who approaches from the left side of the court for a powerful attack. This is a common play in many offenses and can be effective in a 6-2 as well.

Shoot: The setter sets a quick low trajectory ball to the left-side hitter. The hitter approaches quickly from the left side and hits the ball quickly to beat block.

Combination Plays: Various combination plays can be used in a 6-2 offense, involving quick sets, crosses, or shoots. These plays often involve players confusing the defense and misleading the blockers making it difficult to predict where the ball is being attacked. 

Remember, plays and strategies in a 6-2 offense will vary upon a team's strengths, the skills of the players, and the coach's preferences. It's essential to adapt the plays to suit the capabilities and dynamics of your team.

Volleyball Plays to Run When a Team Has Short Attackers

When a team has short attackers, it can be beneficial to focus on plays that maximize the player's speed and exploit the weakness in the opponent's block and defense.

Here are some plays that can be effective for teams with short attackers:

Quick Attacks: Attacking from the middle can be effective when the setter is front row because the setter can be a decoy. The setter could fake an attack on two, but instead of attacking, the setter sets the quick attacker. Also, the quick attack can be used as a fake. The setter could fake the quick set then send the ball to the outside attacker instead. This will give the outside attacker a one on one situation for attacking. 

Shoot Sets: A quick set to the outside attacker will put pressure on the block. Especially if the opposing blocker is slow, have your team run quick attacks to the outside. 

Off-Speed Shots: Short attackers can use off-speed shots such as tips, rolls, or cut shots. These shots can be used to catch the block off guard and exploit weaknesses in the defense.

It's important to develop the speed and quickness necessary to maximize the effectiveness of your short teammates.

Volleyball Plays to Run When the Opponent Has Tall Blockers

When facing a team with tall blockers, it's important to put your team in a position to attack the weakness and avoid running into the strengths.

Here are some plays that can be effective against tall blockers:

Off-Speed Shots: Developing an array of skills for hitting off-speed shots will help your team make athletic hits that can get around tall blockers. Learn how to hit shots to different areas of the court. 

Tool the Block: Practice aiming for the hands and arms of the block. This type of attack is called a "tool". By intentionally hitting the ball off the block, you can score points even if the blockers get a touch on the ball. This type of attack is hard for the defender to stop because it's difficult to anticipate where the ball ends up after it deflects of the blocker.

Slide Attacks: Since the slide attacker is running parallel to the net, the slide is difficult for the opponent to get in position to block. It's always a good idea to make it more difficult for the opponent to get in position. Positioning is the key to blocking.  

Quick Attacks: A quick attack messes up the timing of the block. Attempt to attack quickly to beat the blocker. 

Back Row Attacks: Use back row attacks when the block isn't good at timing the block. 

Wide Sets: Spread out the offense. By keeping the block wide, this will make it difficult for the opponent to put up a double or triple block.  

Combination Plays: Incorporate combination plays that involve quick movements, misdirection, and decoy actions. These plays can create confusion among the blockers and open up opportunities for your hitters to attack effectively.

Develop an array of shots and learn to read the block to maximize your chances of success against tall blockers.

Volleyball Plays to Run When the Setter is Front Row

When the setter is in the front row, it opens up various options for offensive plays because the setter has the option of attacking.

Here are some effective plays to run when the setter is on the front row:

Quick Attacks: Quick attacks work really well when near the net because the opponent needs to be ready to defend the attack on two.

Dump Sets: The setter in the front row gives the team another attacker. The setter should learn skills for dumping the ball. The setter should learn to attack with either hand. Instead of setting the ball to the hitters, the setter can establish the second ball attack. This will put al ot of pressure on the opponent making it difficult to predict what's going to happen.

Slide Attacks: When the setter is on the front row, the setter will only have two front row attacking options. So, definitely have your middle attacker learn to slide attack. The front row setter being able to attack on two or set the slide will make it difficult for the defense to predict what play is coming.

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Volleyball Offensive Plays to Run